Sunday 22 February 2009


"A writer should have another lifetime to see if he's appreciated. "
Jorge Luis Borges

Writer's Record is really an experiment I have set up, to allow new writers to send their stories so that they can share it with the world. I wanted to allow a collection to build with stories written by people who simply want to share their writing, vision and views with anyone who wishes to read new and interesting work.

The ambition is to promote writing among all people, despite colour, culture, religion or politics. Everybody has a something they wish to share with the world, and for writers, here is a platform.

Every week I hope to post 3 - 5 short stories selected by a panel of readers, and will build a collection to keep in the Record.

Simply send your work (1500 words max in .doc format) to and sit back.

You will hopefully read views and comments, taking feedback and allowing you to apply that into your new work. There is also the hope that writers will help other writers with their stories and experiences, and perhaps it will help the amateur writer's journey to develop.
